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What to Look For in a Great Affiliate Offer

Affiliate Deal Offer

How to Find a Great Affiliate Offer

The one question many affiliate marketers want to know is, “How do I find a great affiliate offer?”.

Before we answer that question though it’s good to know what sort of things we should be looking for in a great affiliate offer.

For me, the number one priority in any affiliate offer is that you must believe in the product yourself.

All too often I see people trying to promote an offer they don’t believe in, just to try and make some money. They see a high ticket affiliate offer and the dollar signs instantly start flashing in their eyes without a second thought about anything else.

This is the wrong thing to do, and here’s why…

If you don’t believe in the product you’re promoting, then why should anyone else?

No matter how hard you try, you’ll just come across as phony and insincere. People who do this often don’t actually know much about the product themselves so they just spam other people without providing any valuable insight into the product. You know yourself how much you hate spammers like that, so just don’t do it to other people. It doesn’t work.

Lifetime Value of an Affiliate Offer

Another thing you should be looking for if at all possible is ‘lifetime value’.

Let suppose you had a shop and you sold a high ticket product such as a bike. Now you might make a nice profit on the sale of a bike, but how often is the same person going to buy a new bike? Probably not very often.

However, lets suppose that you sold bike parts and accessories. Over the lifetime of a customer they are going to come back and buy inner tubes, tyres, brakes, lights, toolkits, cycling gear, chains, wheels… you name it, the list goes on.

Over the lifetime of the customer you might end up making more money in bike parts & accessories than you would in the initial sale of the bike.

This same principle can be applied to affiliate offers too. Look for ones that have recurring commissions or re-bills. This could be for example something like a monthly subscription to a service or a software product. The advantage here is that you don’t have to keep looking for new customers ALL the time. So long as the customer keeps paying the subscription, you keep getting paid a commission.

This is an important concept to grasp because acquiring new customers all the time can be expensive, especially if you’re relying on paid advertising to achieve this.

Two Tier Commissions

Another thing to look for if possible are what are known as Tier Two Commissions. With most affiliate offers, when someone buys the product you’re promoting you usually get a commission on the sale of the product to that person. That’s referred to as a tier one commission.

However, if the affiliate offer has a tier two commission, that means that not only do you get the commission on the sale of the initial product, but if the person who bought that product then gets someone else to sign up under them, you’ll get a commission from the second person too.

So imagine if you could get someone like a big influencer with lots of followers to sign up, and they persuade a lot of their followers to sign up too, then you’ll get lots of tier two commissions without doing too much work.

To be fair, tier two commission usually don’t pay as much as tier one, and obviously you don’t usually have much control over who signs up for tier two, so think of it more as a nice surprise bonus that you get from time to time without too much effort.

Promotional Tools

Another thing to look for when promoting any affiliate offer is what sort of promotional tools do they offer. Take a look at their web page, is it something that you would find appealing and be inclined to buy yourself?

Do they give you things like email swipes and signatures, banners, facebook ads, thank you page ads, log out page ads, blog reviews or perhaps even videos. If they don’t give you much in the way of marketing materials then obviously you’re going to have to do a lot of that work yourself.

It also might tell you something about the company or person you are dealing with. If they can’t be bothered to help you attract visitors to their offer then are they someone you want to promote?

Of course you shouldn’t instantly dismiss all affiliate vendors just like that, I could be that they are quite new to being an affiliate vendor and they haven’t fully realised how important promotional tools are.

Or maybe it’s a new offer and they haven’t got round to creating all their promotional materials yet.

What Affiliate Offer Can I Promote Right Now That Meets All the Above Criteria?

That’s a very good question.

One of the best offers I’ve seen right now that meets all these criteria is a CRM software called Groove.

Groove is a new company that launch last year but they are already becoming a force to be reckoned with. They are creating some of the best software solutions for online marketing that I’ve seen in years. Some internet marketers are even referring to them as the next Amazon or facebook.

Whilst I personally don’t believe Groove will ever be that big, I do believe that they will almost certainly be a huge company in the development of online marketing. For anyone who is serious about making money online, Groove definitely has something to offer even if you don’t intend to use all of their apps.

The big idea is that instead of signing up to multiple software solutions from different companies and then spending ages trying to duct-tape them all together, you get everything you need under ONE integrated account.

That means people can ditch all those subscriptions to their email service, web hosting, sales funnels, eComm store, membership site service, video hosting service, webinar host, automation service, customer service desk, and so much, much more.

Not only does this do away with the need for separate log-ins but it can literally save people thousands of dollars in software subscription fees.

Groove has a number of pricing options starting at ZERO cost.

The freemium version includes most of the apps, but with certain limititations. So for example, in the free version you can create three websites, whereas in the paid version it’s an unlimited number of websites.

The freemium version is very powerful and is great for people who are just starting their online business. However, for those who are more serious or who already have an online business, then the Lifetime Platinum Upgrade is a must.

The upgrade gives you unlimited use of all the apps and also all future upgrades to the existing apps, as well as access to any new apps that Groove might develop in the future. All of this is for a one-time only payment. After that you’ll never have to pay another penny ever again for essential software.

Currently the Lifetime Platinum Upgrade is a one-time payment of $1397. Although that might sound a lot, when you think how much all that software would cost if you were to buy it separately from lots of different companies, then it basically becomes a no-brainer.

This graphic shows how much it might cost each year if you were to buy similar software applications to those found in Groove from other companies.

GrooveFunnels vs competition comparison

As you can see you could end up paying $11,000 or even more EACH AND EVERY YEAR with multiple software applications from different companies, whereas with Groove you get all the equivalent software and only have to pay $1397 ONE-TIME EVER!

You might be wondering though, if this software is so amazing why are they giving it all away for a one time payment?

That’s a great question.

The reason is that Groove is still in beta development. That means that there might be some bugs or glitches now and again, or the software might have tweaks made to it to make it better.

However, don’t let that put you off. I’ve been using Groove for a number of months now and while there are some annoyances it is generally quite stable and it’s getting better all the time.

The really good thing I like about Groove is that from time to time the management run live sessions where they tell you exactly what’s happening and where the software is heading. They’re quite honest about any problems they are having and you even get the opportunity to ask them questions.

It’s a very hands-on company that loves to interact with their customers. They don’t hide behind closed doors like a great many other companies I could mention.

The Life-Time offer won’t be around forever though. Once the beta stage is over and the software is fully functional Groove will go to a monthly subscription basis.

So if you like the idea of having the best software to run an online business without having on-going subscription costs, then you’ll definitely want to consider the Lifetime Platinum Upgrade.

Become a Groove Affiliate

If you haven’t already got a Groove account then I highly recommend that you do. (I’ll put a link below).

Once you’ve had a play with the software and got a feel for it you might then like to try promoting it as an affiliate.

If you sign up for the free version and you promote the Platinum Life-Time Upgrade you’ll get paid 20% commission. However, if you upgrade to the Platinum Life-Time Upgrade and become a Platinum member yourself, you’ll receive a 40% commission on every Platinum membership you sell.

Those commissions are tier one commissions, however as I mentioned before, it’s always good to look for affiliate programs with tier two commissions as well.

If you’re a free member you’ll get paid 5% on tier two commissions but if you’re a Platinum member you’ll get paid double that at 10% on tier two commissions.

This video from Mike Filsaime (the co-founder of Groove) explains how their affiliate program works.

If you haven’t already got a Groove account you can sign-up here and compare the free version to the Platinum Life-Time Membership.

As a special bonus, if you sign up through me using the links on this page and choose the Platinum Life-Time Membership, or if you upgrade to the Platinum Membership at a later date having signed up through my links, I’ll give you access to Paul Murphy’s 24 Hour Ranking System for just $1.

The 24 Hour Ranking System is a program that normally sells for $997 and it shows you how to rank any video on the first page of google within 24 hours. However, you can get the 24 hour ranking system for just $1, but only when you upgrade to the Groove Platinum Life-Time Membership through my links… Get started with Groove!


After years of buying and trying various laptop lifestyle courses, I thought it was time to share my experience of what works and what doesn't. I also want to share the some of the things they don't tell so that you can make a success of your online business.

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